Raquel Garay has been named the 2019 National Migrant Parent of the year after being named the Oregon Migrant Parent of the year in 2018. Raquel will be receiving recognition for the national award at the National Migrant Education Conference. The Oregon and national awards recognize Raquel for her excellent leadership skills and passion to help better her community.
Raquel has been part of the Southern Oregon Education Service District (SOESD) Migrant Education Program for over a decade. She currently holds the position of Vice President of the Migrant Parent Advisory Committee (PAC) at Eagle Point School District where her child attends, and is the regional representative for Southern Oregon on the Migrant State Parent Advisory Committee (SPAC), where she also serves as Vice -President. Raquel has also been a member of the Eagle Point School Districtās Budget Committee, Bond Committee, and Soccer Club, as well as the Southern Oregon University Latino Programs Planning Committee.
Additionally over the last three years, through the Northwest Health Foundation (NWHF) Healthy Beginnings + Healthy Communities grant written and facilitated by the SOESD Migrant Education program, migrant parents have been able to attend various leadership development conferences, as well as the NWHF Gatherings hosted by different communities. Raquel has attended every one of these meetings for three years and clearly represented the voice of migrant parents.
The Rogue Valley is home to many amazing individuals who change and make our community a better place to be. We are lucky to have people like Raquel Garay advocating for the future of her own children and the children in our community that are part of the SOESD Migrant Education Program. Raquel is no stranger to positively using her voice to improve outcomes for students and families through helping others better understand community needs.
Press Contact: Charlie Bauer, Migrant Education Coordinator Southern Oregon Education Service District (541) 776-8590 | charlie_bauer@soesd.k12.or.us